Package Documentation

class guessThePokemonGame

Demo guessThePokemonGame Generates random images with different pokemons. Allows unlimited attempts.


new guessThePokemonGame(options)


  • options (Object)
    • base (Object): Required. Either Interaction or Message.
    • baseType (String): Required. Must be either "interaction" or "message".
    • embed (Object): Optional. Configuration for the embed message.
      • title (String): Title for the embed. Default set to "Guess The Pokemon Game".
      • color (String): Default set to "#2BFFE6".
      • winMessage (String): Default set to "You're right! The Pokemon is ${pokemonName}!".
      • loseMessage (String): Default set to "You're wrong! Please Try Again.".
      • timeoutMessage (String): Message when the player doesn't respond in time. Default set to `"You didn't respond in time. The Pokemon is ${pokemonName}!"``.
    • button (Object): Optional. Configuration for the input button to open a Modal.
      • text (String): Default set to "Input Answer".
      • style (Number): Style of the button. Default is set to Primary.
      • emoji (String): Emoji for the button. Default's set to null.
    • time (String|Number): Optional. Inactivity time. Can be a string (e.g., "30 seconds") or a number (milliseconds). Default is set to 30000 (30 seconds).


  • StartGame(): starts the game.


import { guessThePokemonGame } from "shockbs";
new guessThePokemonGame({
    base: interaction,
    baseType: "Interaction"
    embed: {
        title: "Who's the Pokemon?",
        color: "#F600FF",
        winMessage: "You're right! The Pokemon is ${pokemonName}.",
        loseMessage: "You're wrong! Please try again.",
        timeoutMessage: "You didn't respond in time. The pokemon was ${pokemonName}." 
    button: {
        text: "Input Answer",
        style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
        emoji: null,
    time: "half minute",